Sun, sea and dog training

Dog lying upside down in the sunshine


So summer is finally here, the sun is shining and a lot of people of planning their hols. We are all excited and feeling good. But what about our dogs? We all know that hot weather can be difficult and even sometimes dangerous for our pouches but also holidays can be very stressful. So we put our heads together and came up with some top tips

Top tips for hot weather.

1.     Walk early morning or late evening when it is cool.

2.     Pick places that are shady and cool.

3.     If it’s really hot and/or you can’t do either of those things, don’t walk at all!! Honestly, they will survive a day without a walk but heatstroke can be fatal so don’t risk it.

4.      If you are worried your shoes or furniture may not survive a missed walk think about using enrichments ideas to keep them busy: Click Here

5.     Use the time to practice some training goals, and maybe work towards your novice trick title. There are lots of more sedentary skills you can practice, sit, mat games, nose touch, chin rest, bow, paws up (look at the trick of the month in previous newsletters for ideas) scent work games – get a copy of hide and seek or information about how to get your trick titles by emailing

6. Having cool, fresh water available at all times goes without saying! and maybe try a paddling pool for them to splash in.

7. Long-lasting chews, frozen kongs and Toppls or dog-friendly ice cream are a good way to cool them down and keep them occupied.

8.     Have a shady spot in the garden or even use cooling mats.

9.     Keep, curtains shut, windows open, cooling mats to lie on or raised mesh beds (like Hi K9) for them to lie on as they get airflow around and under them.

10.  Make sure you know the signs of heatstroke and seek veterinary support if you are at all concerned.


Holidays are a source of much excitement for us but for our dogs, it can be a stressful time, strange environment, total change of routine, and less nap time as they are out and about with you a lot more. So here are my top tips:


1.     Travelling to and from your destination, plan stops so your dog can get out, stretch their legs, and have a toilet break.

2.     Make sure they have safe and well-fitting equipment, and ensure you have up-to-date contact details on an ID tag. I also carry a backup slip lead just in case they do manage to wriggle out in a panic.

3.     Have the details of local emergency vets as well as your insurance details (if you have them) just in case!

4.     Keep to the usual food and meal times if at all possible

5.     Take familiar beds with you so they have somewhere to rest.

6.     Think about where they are going to sleep if you are in cottages, as they often say no dogs in the bedroom. So if you think maybe they might chew something if left alone in a lounge area maybe start crate training so they are comfortable and safe.

7.     Heat – if you are going on a summer holiday it is likely to be hot and busy, consider your dog before going to the beach. Is it going to be too hot for them even with shade? If it is what are you going to do instead?

8.     Have a plan, research dog-friendly places, not all cafes and pubs are dog friendly and if they are sometimes only outside areas. Great if the weather is good, but what about if it is very hot and they have no shade or it rains? You can’t leave them in the car if it is hot and cottages and hotels again often say they are not allowed to be left alone.

9.     Cafes and pubs are always nice to go and hang out and have a leisurely lunch, dinner or a few drinks but are this something your dog is ok with? If not think about mat, training, teaching a settle cue and taking a long-lasting chew for them to sit with whilst you eat your meal.

10.  Teach your dog to relax. This is such a great behaviour to teach, and very useful to combine with mat games to be able to cue when you are hanging out in different environments. Start at home, and start now don’t wait until the day before you go away. If you would like the PDF and audio link for a relaxation protocol designed by Dr Karen Overall drop me an email: and I will send it to you. Have a read, make a start and don’t get overwhelmed. Do a little bit each day and you will start noticing a change.

Summertime is wonderful, light evenings and warm weather mean that we can all get out and about more. My dogs just love a trip to the beach but to be honest I tend to go when the weather is cool. If you are going to any events just take a minute to consider if it is suitable for your dog, summer fairs, and carnivals can be busy, hot and overwhelming for even the most experienced dog. Think about if they would be better at home? Make sure you take water to offer them and be ready to leave if they get worried or distressed. Not every dog is a party animal some are happier just staying at home in a cool and familiar place.

Dogs on the beach

If you want any of the Handouts available or any questions about any of the topics. Just drop me an email on and we will send you a copy.

Have fun!


Karen, Elle, Kate & Angela

karen henley